di Montelifré
borgo medioevale
Montisi (Siena) Italia
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provincia di Siena, sopra un poggio calcareo, a cavallo fra la ridente
Val di Chiana e le suggestive crete senesi, sorgono un piccolo borgo
ed i ruderi di un antico castello: Montelifré. I resti del medioevale
fortilizio ed il borgo sottostante, che si ergono da una ripida
balza, conferiscono un aspetto romantico al solitario paesaggio
su cui stendono le loro ombre solenni.
the Province of Siena, between the peaceful valley "Val di Chiana",
and the extraordinary range of hills known as the "crete senesi",
stand in a fairytale-like setting, the impressive ruins of the medieval
castle of Montelifré with its small village below. The remains of
this medieval fortress and its l6th century village, rising from
a steep crag, lend a romantic touch to this lonesome landscape over
which they cast their solemn shadows.
poderosa rocca fu costruita agli inizi dell'anno 1000 e venne in
possesso della nobile famiglia senese, che tuttora la possiede,
agli inizi del 1300.
sturdy fortress was built at the beginning of the 11 Th century
and exactly three centuries later it came into possession of the
noble Siennese family of the Counts Martinozzi, who still own it.
del 1527, in occasione della guerra fra la Signoria di Firenze e la Repubblica
di Siena, la fortezza, posta ai confini dei due territori, divenne, ad
opera del suo proprietario, nido di cospiratori ai danni della Repubblica
e rifugio di ribelli e fuorusciti. E fu a causa di ciò che le truppe senesi,
approfittando di una momentanea vittoria su quelle fiorentine, dopo un
lungo assedio, ottennero la resa della fortezza e ne minarono fin dalle
fondamenta le inespugnabili mura, riducendole nei ruderi in cui tuttora
si trovano.
April of 1527, during the war between the Signoria of Florence and the
Republic of Siena, the Castle of Monteiifré was besieged by Siennese troups.
The owners of this fortress, which lay on the boundary line between the
two Tuscan States, were found guilty of conspiring against the Republic
of Siena by giving refuge to rebels and political fugitives, enemies of
the Republic. As a punishment the foundations of its impregnable walls
were blown up, leaving the ruins we see today as a reminder of that bloody
battle. Today, Montelifré no longer provides shelter for rebels and political
refugees, but rather for people from northern lands in search of the sun,
a peaceful and beautiful natural landscape.
l'antico borgo è stato trasformato in un moderno ed accogliente
centro per vacanze, con appartamenti di 80 e 120 mq.
village has been transformed into an extremely pleasant and comfortable
holiday home with flats of 80 and 120 square metres. This is to
be found at Montelifré with modern and efficient services.
piscina - The swimming pool
The flats
- gli appartamenti
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