The Landscape
The farm "il Poderino" is situated on an area of rocking hills in the middle of the "Parco della Valdorcia", one of the sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. At 7 Km from Pienza e 2 Km from San Quirico d'Orcia, the farm is located at 500 mt from the state street 146 which connects the two beautiful towns surrounded by an impressive landscape of clay hills, cypresses, soft slopes cultivated with olive groves and vineyeards. To the South you can enjoy the view of the valley, whith the impressive fortress of Radicofani rising at the southern extremity of the Valdorcia,on a narow hill, near the huge bulk of Mount Amiata; to the North West is Pienza skyline and much closer the country church of Vitaleta, one of the best known landmarks of Tuscany.