Qurico, is
of origins, undoubtedly, Etruscan. This is testified by findings
of cinerary urns and other funeral objects abd vessels, now kept
in the Etruscan archeological museum in Siena. The first explicit
reference to San Quirico was at the time of a dispute, in 712,
between the diocese of Siena and Arezzo for the possesion of some
parishes, among which was San Quirico in Osenna: the outcome being
a decision, confirmed by King Liutprando, in favour of the church
of Arezzo. The name "Osenna", preserved until the 17th century
and probably referred to a water-course which has now disappeared,
is an Etruscan place-name and, perhaps even "Orcia" (water, stream
or brook) is pre-Roman. From the beginning of the 11th century
you find the name of San Quirico in Osenna being mentioned more
frequently, especially in connection to the passing - along the
important Via Francigena (or Romea, the pilgrims' way to Rome)
- of important Europeans in the political and ecclesiastical world.
In 1154, Federico I (Barbarossa) came to Italy to receive the
Imperial Crown. While heading towards Rome his army encamped at
San Quirico, where Pope Adrian IV sent three cardinals to meet
the Emperor. In 1180 the Sieneses estended their jurisdiction
over San Quirico and soon after that the town became the seat
af the Imperial Vicar. At San Quirico, in 1205, they held the
congress of the "Lega di Toscana" (League of Tuscany). With the
fall of the Republic of Siena it passed into the hands of the
marchese of Marignano and, some time after, it was under the rule
of Cosimo de' Medici. Being the cause of a feud for the title
of marquisate by Grand Duke Cosimo III, it was conceded, in 1677,
to Cardinal Flavio Chigi, nephew of Pope Adrian VII.
cinta muraria
At the present, there is a large part of the town-walls still santing
and 14 small towers are still visible, although some of them are
incorporated into other buildings. Unfortunately, nothing remains
of the North and South gates, although the partially original Eastern
gate is preserved. This way probably once preceded by an outer gate,
of which little more remains but the base. |
Via Dante Alighieri - Tel. (0577)897506.
Open daily
The present church is built upon the old parish church, which
we know dated from the 8th century. There are three doorways.
The first, coming from Siena, is a magnificent example of Romanesque,
built of sandstone and travertine. On the inside of the great
round arch an extraordinary wealth of symbolic religious themes
can be seen; The first "portale di mezzogiorno" (south door),
obviously still in the Romanesque style, even though there is
a hint of the Gothic, is attributed to Giovanni Pisano. With its
protruding porch supported on two columns, and with its wonderful
balance, it epitomizes the Gassical, Ro- rnanesque and Gothic
styles. The bell-tower, as it appears today was built at the end
of the 18th century and rephlaced the old arched bell-tower. Inside
the church there is a triangular beamed ceiling. The baroque choir
was built in 1655 replacing the original apse, and the high altar
is in the rococo styte. Behind the altar the magnificent inhid
panels, by the Sienese Antonio Barili, date from between 1482
and 1502. The wonderful marquetry 19 panels in all, of which only
seven are at San Quirico - were acquired by Marchese Chigi, in
1749, and set into the choir. The organ, dating from the 17th
century, revealed after restoration to have a splendid timbre,
which is emphasized by the perfect acoustics of the church. In
a wing of the transept can be found the wonderful polyptych of
"Sano di Pietro" (Sienese School - 15th Century). The piece was
painted espressly for the parish of San Quirico, as can be seen
by the red and gold coat-of-arms of the town and the presen-,
ce of the patron saint.
Via Dante Alighieri. In restoration
Next to the Collegiata and opposite the "palazzo pretorio" (magisterial
palace) - adjoining which, two mediaevale features can be seen;
the "porte del morto" (doors of the dead) - rises the huge mass
of the Palazzo Chigi. It was built in the second half of the 17th
century by Cardinal Flavio Chigi, and is now the property of the
town-council. Unfortunately, due to negligence and harm suffered
during the Second VVorId War, the palace remains seriously damaged
on its external structure and in its richly frescoed rooms.
di San Francesco
Open daily
The church of St Francis, which faces the main square, has undergone
numerous changes over the centuries. On the high altar there is
a very beautiful Madonna attributed to Andrea della Robbia, which
perhaps, originally, was part of an Annunciation. On the corbels
in the resbytery, there are two wooden polychrome statues of the
Angel and the Virgin Mary attributed to Francesco di Valdambrino,
a pupil of Jacopo della Quercia. |
Piazza Libertà - Tel. (0577)897506.
Open daily
Realized by Diomede Leoni, in 1580, the Horti Leonini are a superb
example of the Italian garden. The enormous garden opens into a
vvide perspective flight, the effect of which is helped by the perfectly
geometrical beds of box. Coming from the bottom of the garden, an
English wood goes up through to the Iarge square at the top, which
was once dominated by the old "torre del cassero", distroyed during
the Second World War. In the centre of the lower square you can
see the statue of Cosimo III de' Medici, sculptured in 1688 and
commissioned by Flavio Chigi in gratitude to the Grand Duke, who
had nominated him Marquis of San Quirico. |
di Santa Maria Assunta
Open daily
This church was mentioned in a Papal Bull of Pope Benedetto Vlll
in 1017. The purity of line and its extremely formal severity make
S. Maria a magnificent example of a small romanesque church of only
one aisle. |
della Scala
The hospital, built in the 12th century, offered shelter to pilgrims
and travelers who went along the Via Francigena. In the court-yard
there is a l6th century well, and a small loggia, partly blocked
in, with three elegant small columns.